Computer Engineering Program

The program is recognized for shaping students to be the next leading computer engineers to integrate in the creative world of evolving technological landscape. The uniqueness of our engineering program hinges on sound and contextualized liberal arts exposure that provides the mold for a ‘great engineer’. Building a career in computer engineering requires a solid foundation in hardware, software, operating systems, computer architecture, electrical engineering, and a variety of subdisciplines. Computer engineers make sure the physical and virtual systems integrate seamlessly. You need an intimate understanding of computer systems to build your career and to be on the front end of innovation.

Earn Your Degree In Computer Science Or Engineering At National University

One aspect that sets DigiPen’s computer engineering program apart from most other undergraduate programs is that team projects begin in the first semester and are required throughout the program — not just the final one or two semesters. As a result, graduates come away with a strong technological background, as well as communication and teamwork skills that are essential for professional engineers. Computer engineering students at DigiPen also have the advantage of small class sizes and a low student-to-faculty ratio. Moreover, students are accepted directly into the BS in Computer Engineering program and do not have to compete to enter the program after admission, which is the case at many other institutions. Computer engineering is the design, analysis, and application of computer systems, balancing hardware and software and the basic modeling techniques used to represent the computing process. Computer engineers design computer systems, from telecommunications to consumer products and manufacturing, and also work in service fields like financial and information systems and network administration.

We reserve the right to close admission to a program at any time after the official deadline without prior notice. OBE training Session held on October 8, 2020, in order to align the courses in accordance to OBE/PEC requirements. For the curriculum, FCSE has already received the approval of the department for the updated curriculum, and intends to get the approval of the Board of Studies, and the GIK Institutes’ Academic Council. Google Computer Science Instituteis a 3-week intro to coding for high school seniors.

Computer Engineering

As you progress through a career as a computer engineer you may expect to increase your earning potential. Having an advanced degree in your field could help you reach your full earning potential. They may test computer systems in order to ensure that they are functioning as expected, or to find inefficiencies that can be fixed.

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Rather, it is a fine mixture of character, interpersonal skills, technical knowledge, and psychology that makes a professional truly outstanding. Mere decision making is only small part of it all; the engineer must also communicate information to supervisors and help them make the right choice in any given situation. Engineers’ ideas are priceless; no successful project development phase has been brought to a satisfactory end without their say. To produce proactive engineers equipped with comprehensive analytical and problem solving skills to create value through the application of technology.

Some computer engineers focus more on hardware and updating old equipment, while others focus on designing new technologies. Advanced degrees provide greater opportunity in the computer engineering field. There are some advanced degree programs available for computer engineers. Software engineers may also benefit from advanced degrees in their field.

Mathematics provides a language for working with ideas relevant to computer engineering, specific tools for analysis and verification, and a theoretical framework for understanding important concepts. For these reasons, mathematics content must be initiated early in the student's academic career, reinforced frequently, and integrated into the student's entire course of study. Curriculum content, pre- and co-requisite structures, and learning activities and laboratory assignments must be designed to reflect and support this framework. Specific mathematical content must include the principles and techniques of discrete structures; furthermore, students must master the established sequence in differential and integral calculus. A master’s in computer engineering could provide greater job opportunities for graduates. These programs may provide opportunities to learn advanced topics in engineering.


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